Thursday, September 22, 2011

Summer events

We have been so behind on blogging. Over the summer we did so much traveling that we couldn't seem to keep up with the res of life. Now I have been working like crazy and Andy is taking a couple classes this year to finish his administration specialty. So I'm going to make a couple of quick posts just to document some of the great travelign adventures we went on this summer and some of the family we were able to sspend time with.

These are pictures from our trip to Charlotte, North Carolina to visit my cousins, Daniel,  and his family, Lauren, Madison, and Tyler.

Madison, Charlotte, and Drea playing in the pool. We were down there in July when it was in the 100s so any chance to cool off was great for the kids (and adults!)...although the water was a gazzilion degrees too!

Lauren and Tyler

We took the kids to a discovery museum so they could play and get some energy out. I swear I love these places more than the kids! This is Andy and Daniel getting served a meal by the kids in the cafe. (Well, I guess our kids aren't actually in this picture but I think it's cute of the big boys.)

This was our trip to Kennywood.
My girls riding the whip! They love this ride. Barrett gets a kick out of it too but I didn't get his pic in it. I think he was on a different ride at this point.

Drea driving Briana on the old fashioned cars.

We let Drea get her face painted because she loves this kind of thing! I love it to...she looks like my beautiful little butterfly.

We took the kids paddle-boating in the little pond there too.

Mom and Bob on a romantic boat ride. :) It was so nice of them to take us to Kennywood and to watch the kids a bunch while us big kids rode rides. So we let them have a 30 minute boat ride to themselves. Actually we got on our boats shortly after. hehehehehe!