Camping with some friends. This picture is apparently story time. When Drea begs Daddy to tell her a story so Daddy makes up the best story he can think of and the very often involve princess drea.
Couple pictures of our zoo trip. We love taking her to the Pittsburgh Zoo every year. We went with our friends Jordan and Sarah and their son Isak. We're thinking about starting to take her more than once a year because she loves it so much! It's all she talks about. All the time when we are talking to her she will just say "remember when we went to the zoo. what were those one things inside called. (Always talking about the meerkats)." And then she'll say "I love those. But I don't like the bats. That fruit in there was yucky." And then she request that we each tell her our favorite animals from our last visit to the zoo. And she gets the biggest smile on her face and ask when we can go again. She adores it! The other day she was cracking up and said "I saw that baby elephant pee on the floor." Which we did see. Anyway, she loved it. Below are a couple other pictures.
Ohhh no worries! Free breakfast = we are so there! Well, I'll be there before Kristi, and I won't save her any food! =] Just be sure to let us know what time the tailgate is starting 9 or 10am.
See ya!
You forgot the best part of your summer-spending lots of time with us! PS what do you want us to bring Saturday? we were thinking poptarts. =]
-Kristi [who doesn't know what time practice is over Sat so she's not sure if she can pre-game.]
Isn't summer great? Looks like you guys had a LOT of fun! Kalee and I are excited for fall - we just decorated the house last night and this morning it was cold enough to see our breath...ahhhhh...this is the life!
How are you feeling?
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