Charlotte took a couple steps on the day she turned 9 months old. I think I already blogged about that. She has taken many since.
Until tonight when I came home from work. She was so excited to see me that she took 8 steps to come across the living room to me. It was very sweet to see.
Drea made me laugh tonight. My sister will definitely appreciate this story. We have this thing about the covers on the bed being perfect and straight. Both of our husbands make fun of us for being psycho about the covers.
Anyway, I was playing with Drea after I came home from work and she wanted to jump on my bed. Yes, I'm a horrible parent who lets my child have a little fun every once in a while jumping on my bed. (Don't judge me, Lorrie. :) ) So Drea always asks me to straighten the sheets before she jumps. Then she will jump for a minute and then get down after she messes up the covers and ask me to straighten the sheets and then she will jump for another minute and then get down and ask me to straighten the sheets and so on. And tonight it finally caught me as funny and I started giggling about it. I guess she might end up being as neurotic as me since she can't even jump on the bed when the covers are messed up. I
hope Ben enjoys that one, Kareen.
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