Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There something about seeing your youngest daughter wearing her older sister's clothes.

Maybe I'm just super sensitive right now because my youngest will be one on Saturday. I went through the next size clothes bin downstairs to get out bigger clothes for Charlotte yesterday.

For some reason, when I look at Charlotte wearing these clothes I get all sentimental. I think I can remember seeing Drea in them and I remember things she did and her mannerisms and now she's four. FOUR. I just can't believe it! My baby is FOUR! And now my other baby is on her way to FOUR. It's just hard to believe, that's all.


m.wright said...

I know what your mean, and now I pass them on to others and see new babies in them and can't believe it. Kindergarten registration is next week, I can hardly believe how fast time flies.

Anonymous said...

I so feel your sadness. My baby is going to be 5 in a couple of weeks and my oldest will be SEVEN in a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how fast the time goes.

Rich, Teresa and Kalee said...

I have kept all of Kalee's clothes (from birth until current) and have been able to loan them out to a few of my friends for their kids...and each time I go through them I say "oh, that one was my favorite!" It get's a little repetitive after the 50th time, but I can't help it! So, I definitely understand your getting sentimental! I think it's normal! ha!