Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yes, you were right...

...all of you who told me Drea wouldn't be going to kindergarten and still pooping in her pull-up.

Yep, to all of you who had heard my pooping in the potty woes for the past couple years, my 4 year old finally poops on the potty. It is wonderful. We haven't cleaned up a dirty pull-up at 10pm for at least a few weeks. It's great!

My favorite part of this night we were praying before bed and she out of the blue asked God to help her poop on the potty. It was like she just decided she was ready. And then the next day she started doing it on her own. It was nice for her to see God answer her prayers. And now she adds it to her prayers every night. It's so cute! She probably also prays about it every night because she gets to choose a prize out of her Poopy Prize Box every time she goes.

Sorry if this post was a little too much information for you but I know if you have kids you get it.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Drea!!!!!!!!!!!! Aunt Karen is so proud of you.

Dave said...

That is so awesome about her praying! I love that God answers all of our prayers, even the "poopy" ones!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Drea! Not only am I proud of your new skill in pooping in the potty, but I am also very proud that you took your concern to God and He answered your prayer!!! Love you so much! Noni