Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 7th, 2011 - Drea turned 5

As I said in the previous post, Drea turned 5 on Friday. We enjoy making our kids feel super special on their birthdays...probably because I love feeling special on my birthday. In fact, I was telling Drea that the best part about your birthday is that it's one day when all the people that love you are thinking about you and you get lots of attention. I knew she would care about that as much as I do!

I left work a few hours early and took her for a special trip to the library. I know some of you may think, "really, the library?" My little reader loves books and adores the library. How could you not...all of those rows and rows of organized's like book heaven. When Charlotte joined our family, trips to the library have been close to null. It's hard to go with a baby in tow and now at the toddler age I imagine her ripping books off the shelf faster than I can put them back in their place. I digress...I picked Drea up from daycare and left Charlotte there (which was her naptime anyway.) She loved it! It was a little surprise I knew she would enjoy. It was very special to her. In fact, this excursion made me realize that I should do this other times with her so she gets more one-on-one with us.

We let her choose the birthday dinner spot. Cheddars was the pick! Yay, no Burger King this year! She also asked to go to Cold Stone Creamery after that...with no objection from us. It was delicious and she really enjoyed the evening. We gave her a couple gifts from us...a Fancy Nancy book (which she's really into) and tickets to go see Sesame Street Live with us (which is this weekend!) The only thing that could have made the evening...if Charlotte's milk cup would NOT have busted open and dumped milk all over her and I and if Charlotte's nose would NOT have bloodied after bumping it on the table.

Drea is into having matching things with her sister. I have indulged her lately because I'm sure one day they will never want to look alike at all. I realized I hadn't taken pictures of them in their cute matching stuff and everyone's always saying how cute they are.

1 comment:

young wife&mom said...

cute pictures! what a lovely little family..i too enjoy making them feel special on their big days! and i think everyone would love that??