Monday, June 10, 2013

Drea's Dance Recital 2013

Sunday marked Drea's dance recital.  The Dance Recital always makes for a long week of practice and a  long show.  Just like every year, though all the hard work usually pays off and everyone puts on a great show.  The hardest part for me during this year's show was Charlotte falling asleep on my lap.  She was so warm and snuggly, that I could have just closed my eyes and napped right along with her.  However, I did not.  I have been in Fairmont for quite some time now, so I know enough people and kids to make it easier to sit though a recital because I know most of the dancers.  But enough already, here's the cutest little dancer from the show...

Here are the videos of her dancing.  I don't recall her dancing and being this happy.  I do not know if you can tell in the video, but she was grinning from ear to ear.  Also, I do not remember the last time she was this happy and that made it worth it.  


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Shoot Christians Say

This made me laugh out loud...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Last Day of School

Today was Drea's last day of 1st grade.  She was pretty upset on Friday night because and I quote, "I am never going to see Mrs. Morris, again!"  Cue the waterworks.  I told her she would see her Monday and then next year.  I don't know if that will be good enough.  She really loved her kindergarten teacher as well.  I didn't think it would be possible for her to like 1st grade as much.  I was wrong.  She had a great year and did very well on her report card.  Now, only if we can get her to help her sister.

Here are some pictures of the first day of school way back in August:

Here are some pictures from today:

I can't tell if she has changed much since the beginning of the year...

...I should have made her wear the same outfit...

One last cute one of them both