This years Christmas Recital marks the first time that Charlotte actually danced in the recital. She has made cameo appearances in other recitals, but has never danced. As we were headed for her last practice before the big day, she informed me that she didn't want to go. I told her she had to because of the recital. "But Dad, I don't want to get on the stage, there is all those people!" Well, she made it and was very helpful at the end...Enjoy!
I think Drea was pretty excited for her sister. She had to sit in the front row and watch. Of course Drea had to dance too!
Andy, Thanks for getting them dancing even thru I was there I enjoyed watching again Drea is so good she didn't watch anyone else . And Charlotte looked so big and did a good job. thanks again love nunnie
Wow! Drea looks so grown up and did a great job! So did Charlotte and based upon that little one on the end, it was a good thing Charlotte was there to let her know the dance was over! LOL! Love, Noni
Andy, Thanks for getting them dancing even thru I was there I enjoyed watching again Drea is so good she didn't watch anyone else . And Charlotte looked so big and did a good job. thanks again love nunnie
Very cute! Drea is looking soooooo grown up! Merry Christmas to you and the girls!
Wow! Drea looks so grown up and did a great job! So did Charlotte and based upon that little one on the end, it was a good thing Charlotte was there to let her know the dance was over! LOL! Love, Noni
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