Monday, August 25, 2014

Third Grade & Kindergarten...Wow!

Both girls are finally at my school.  It seems a little odd, to say the least, but it's good.  Most people would say, "It makes you feel old, right?"  To be honest I don't know if it is that at all. Obviously, I am getting older and so are they I might add, but I don't feel old.  What's old supposed to feel like anyway?  (On a side note, I think old is how I felt after spending the day at the VA pool with the girls, but that defeats the purpose of what I am trying to say right here, so just ignore my ramblings.)

It's just weird.  The third grade is out on the playground with the fourth grade, so I get to see Drea at recess.  It's strange.  The third graders are supposed to be little kids.  Actually, the fourth graders tend to think the third graders are little kids, but I have news for them, the third grade is more mature then the current group of fourth graders.  Just don't tell anyone I said that.

I am used to seeing Drea with the younger grades and well, that isn't the case any more.  My Mom will tell the girls, that I am her baby.  They usually just look at her with a strange look.  I understand that now.  I think that does not change no matter what age you or your kids are.  I guess that is what I am trying to say.  They are growing and that obviously, doesn't stop.  I am glad they are at my school and I am glad I get to see them.  And even if I am growing older, they are still my babies and always will be.

I digress.  We usually take pictures on the first day of school.  Since Drea started last Thursday, and Charlotte started today, there were two different photo shoots.  You would think after taking 57 pictures on two separate days, I would have more pictures that I liked, but here are the best seven.

Last Thursday, Drea's First Day

Drea posing by herself complete with backpack

I thought it was cute that Drea hid this time, like Char did last week

Smiling for the camera

I don't think they both looked at the camera
or stood still at the same time on either day

If you know Charlotte, this sums her up perfectly

They needed one showing their backpacks...silly girls


Stephen said...

They are getting so big.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Andy, you will ALWAYS be my baby! LOL! Loved the pics of the girls! Since I was out of town for awhile, I didn't get to talk to you so I am glad that you posted their first days of school. You won't feel old until you turn 65! Even then I convince myself that I REALLY am NOT THAT old! LOL! I like the fact that they are holding up grade 3 and K on those cute little signs! I am glad someone else has problems getting the girls to look at the camera at the same time. I remember being in W.V. with you guys & the first 3 girls and here I am, trying to take pics. Someone would continually turn their head at the last minute. I had pics of the top of a head, ears, etc. Drove me crazy since others didn't seem to have that problem. Well, Andy, I guess you are the guy version on me in many ways! LOL! Love, Mom