Saturday, January 10, 2015

Christmas Catch-up

Christmas was a busy time for us this year.  I am sure we are not the only ones.  The girls' were super busy as we tried to balance out time between families.  We typically don't travel to NJ over Christmas, but were able to this year.  The main reason we went was for my cousin Lauren's wedding.  We had a wonderful time and enjoyed seeing family members that we have not seen in over a year.

In the past we have made cookies, but this year we decorated ginger bread men.  The girls were very creative in their designs.  They were not a fan of the ginger bread.  Next year, we will just go with the sugar cookie man.

Here is Charlotte's cookie

Drea taking her time to perfect her cookie

Drea's Cookie
The girls' also continue to dance.  This year is the big spring dance recital, but there is always a smaller Christmas program.  Both of the girls danced and did a wonderful job.

This is Charlotte's is about two minutes long...see if you can find her

Here is Drea...she is a little bit easier to find

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hate to sound stupid, but I think Charlotte is in the middle but I honestly couldn't tell...Drea, I think was on the left side, but not sure on that either. I think I need stronger glasses! Love, Mom