Saturday, February 21, 2009

9 Months

Well, we are getting closer to the big day. We both are really excited to find out what the baby is going to be. Although, some believe we already know what we are having (my family)...we have no idea. Everything is going well and Stacey is feeling good. I have had two scares. One day I came home to Stacey asking me if I had lesson plans ready and then another day Stacey was on the phone with a friend discussing what it was like to go into labor on her own. They were scares because we were not packed. We are now pakced so we are ready whenever the baby decides to come.

Here are pictures of Stac at nine months...Enjoy!


Rich, Teresa and Kalee said... look so dang good! Enjoy the last couple weeks! Can't wait to see baby pictures!

PJ said...

Well, Andy, we know what you're going to have. Drea told us a few months ago you were having a girl and naming her "Drea"! Duh! :)

We love you guys so much and can't wait to celebrate with you the new arrival!!