Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh, to be a kid again...

I know I'm only creeping up on 30 and that's not that old but it would be nice to be a kid again.

I was just realizing how great kids have it. They get up in the morning and the biggest deicisions they have to make from then until laying their head back down at night is what toys will I play with first. How nice would that be...if we didn't have to go to work, didn't have responsibilities, had no one to take care of and pretty much just played all day.

No worries... that would be wonderful. Drea's hardest task of the day is figuring out which princess dress to dress-up in first. Although she is already losing some of this well known freedom now since she does daily chores like making her bed, feeding the dogs and putting her clothes in her hamper. Man, life is tough.

You think this is why God desires we come to him as a child? Because when we come to Him in pure innocence we have no burdens, no cares of the world, no one to worry about - just Him to focus on. That's what I think. He knows the other stuff will just get in the way.

My little carefree munchkin,
playing dress up in her dancing outfit.

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