Sunday, April 19, 2009

Chick update and other musings

  • Good news regarding our newest house guests. Well, sort of. Both chicks were able to find a home on a farm. One farm in West Virginia and another in heaven. I think the one must have been sick or something it never really looked that good. The worst part about it besides that it died was the other chick pooped on it after it passed. Poor thing never had a chance. Please no one tell Drea about the chick in heaven...she thinks we found a farm for it. -sn

  • Those of you who follow WVU sports know that Michigan is not our favorite college. Anyway, this past week my mom was visiting, this usually means eating, eating, and even more eating. We like to take Judy to different places and especially places with a local flare. One such place (you may have heard of it) Applebees was one of our stops on the eating tour. While sitting waiting for our food, college game day came on the tv behind us. Drea being the football fan that she is noticed the blue and gold uniforms of Michigan. She informed me that she liked that team. I then informed her that she didn't like that team. However, I was mistaken because she again told me, that she did like them. Finally, I informed her that she didn't like them because if she did she would sleep out on the porch. I think her sleeping bag kept her warm. Yea, Andy, Applebees has such local flare. -sn

  • Not that we are experts or anything, but we think it important to read early and often to the girls. I'm sure most of you feel the same way. Drea really likes reading and we hope Charlotte does, too! Here are some pics of big sis and mommy reading to her. We also like playing games and visit some educational websites. I promise we aren't psycho about it or anything...but if you have young kids and want a great website for reading, phonics, and the alphabet....go to Seriously, this is one of Drea's favorite things to do and she has been "playing" Starfall on the computer since she was one year old or so. -sn

Drea set up this little area for her and her sister on the middle of our living room floor. And she kept giving Charlotte her pacifier everytime she would spit it out and cry. Drea is getting very good at this. -sn

Funny thing - Andy said I was reading to Charlotte - we're looking at cookbooks. : ) Not very flattering pics of mommy. -sn

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