Saturday, October 10, 2009

Charlotte and Drea

The girls are getting bigger and are learning and doing more everyday. Stacey called me after school and said wait to you see what your daughter did. When you see it, you need to have a talk with her.

Drea did a great job writing her name, however.......

it was on her bedroom wall. Stacey and I were disappointed with Drea for writing on her wall, but on the other hand we were proud of her for writing her name so well. That was why Stacey wanted me to have a talk with her, so I could she her writing when I came home from school. Don't worry I didn't let Drea know I took these pictures and Drea had to scrub the walls and toys she wrote on.

Charlotte is getting bigger and doing new things as well. At about the one minute mark Charlotte does something really cool. Today she also held her bottle on her own.

  • Last weekend we were traveling to Maryland to visit my family as we were going though the mountains, Drea said, "Mommy, I just yawned and it got louder." It was cute to see her discover something like that.
  • Drea is discovering new words.....the other day I asked her what time did you wake up, she said, "Poop-thirty!" I know I shouldn't laugh but, it was funny. Also every time she can't find me she says, "Daddy are you in the bathroom?" Sorry if this was to much information, but this might explain, Drea fascination with potty words.


Rich, Teresa and Kalee said...

ha ha! good times!

m.wright said...

both my girls have a fascination with potty words as well. I'm not exactly sure how or why its so entertaining but they think it is.


Anonymous said...

Again, like father, like daughter.

Anonymous said...

Andy, I am sure that you don't remember actually doing this, but you were famous for wall writing as a child, until I, mean mom that I was, made you clean the wall. I made poor Karen stand behind you & tell you to keep cleaning until the wall looked better. Think it is funny that Drea is keeping the Niessner family tradition, as well as you, now the parent making her clean the wall! Love, Noni