Friday, July 9, 2010


Drea turned 4 1/2 on Wednesday. I told her that she was 4 1/2 and she was completely thrilled! She said she couldn't wait to go to school and tell her new friend Merin (sp?). Then she asked if she was going to be five tomorrow. I went on to explain that four and a half means she's half way to five. All that means to her is she's half way to Christmas.

The next day when we were on our way to daycare she asked me if she was still four and a half because she still wanted to tell her friend.

Wednesday was also Kareen and Ben's 3rd anniversary! Congratulations Kareen and Ben - I'm sure they have been three wonderful years. Although I'm sure now that law school and grad school are complete the next three will be even better. Congratulations on buying your first home together, too. We love you guys!

*Will post some current summer pictures soon.

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