Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Girls

Here are some recent cute stories and videos about the girls.


Drea making a silly face

Here are some random Drea stories:

1. I would say about once a month, maybe a little longer, while putting Drea to bed and after praying, we discuss a few things. Sometimes I remind Drea that she can come to Mommy & Daddy about anything. I may tell her things like she is my favorite 4 and a half year old. Other times I will tell her she can be anything she wants when she grows up. Usually when I do this it sparks a conversation. The other night was no different. She went on with the usual things that she wants to be, Mountaineer, cheerleader, doctor, etc.... Finally, she stopped and said, "Daddy, Do you know what I really want to be?" "What", I asked. Her response, "A Dolphin!"

2. The other morning I was getting dressed and I was wearing boxer briefs (hope that wasn't TMI). Drea says, "Daddy, what are you wearing?" and then laughed. I guess it wasn't a good look for me.

3. Drea gets a lot of joy in changing our answering machine message. She also thinks she is funny. The other night she is messing around with the answering machine and she changed the message to say, "This is the Niessners we can't get to the phone right now, we are on the potty, bye." I made her change it.


Charlotte has been talking so much more lately. It seems like she says something new every day. She is really into saying one word phrases. One of her favorites is, "Mine!" She is also a fan of "Hey!" So we were very excited when she learned another one word phrase. Watch and listen to this video:

Here are two more videos of Charlotte talking and having a good time at the dinner table.


Rich, Teresa and Kalee said... should have left that on your answering machine! that is too cute!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that kid did something to my niece. I need to make a phone call to that daycare. How could they think that cute innocent face would do something to her friend unless she was provoked. What is wrong with that place. lol It is always the second one that gives you a run for your money. Lydia punched Richard so hard in the nose yesterday that I thought she broke his nose.

Love ya,
Aunt Karen

Dave said...

Great pics and videos! Such cutie pies :-)