Friday, June 29, 2012

Hovatter's Zoo

We recently took a trip to Hovatter's Zoo in Kingwood.  I'm not going to lie, this zoo makes me think of a zoo where the animals get out and kill someone.  Those fears were only reinforced when the lion roared and charged the fence.  That being said, the girls, my mom, Aunt Jody and Barrett all enjoyed our trip and we all made it out alive. 

Drea swinging on the swings before going into the zoo

Charlottle and Barrett playing in the sandbox

Feeding the farm animals

Here's the lion...right after I took this picture he turned and roared at us.  Drea and Charlotte started to too!

This white tiger kept pacing back and forth on this box

The brown bears



This was a funny picture of Aunt Jody feeding the giraffe

This giraffe was supposedly in the movie Evan Almighty


This goat was just walking around so the kids were able to feed it

The piglets were so cute

Drea feeding the farm animals

The kids running ahead to feed the animals

Charlotte searching for the prairie dog


Anonymous said...

Well, Andy, I didn't know you took the lion's picture! Perhaps that was why he was roaring, because he might NOT have wanted his picture taken! LOL! It was a fun day & I enjoyed it, although there WERE some funky smells and getting out of the place was a bit challenging with that big RV thing stuck in the driveway! Love, Mom

Julie Mathess said...

That place terrifies me. We went when Cole was a baby and that tiger looked like he wanted to eat him. I was relieved that we all got out alive.

Rich, Teresa and Kalee said...

Looks like so much fun! Your girls are lucky to have such a fun, cool dad! I love reading about all the fun parks and places you guys are visiting...before you know it school will be starting again!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having a super cool summer! The last time we were at Hovatter's Zoo the larger monkey was throwing poop at us. LOL This is a neat little zoo but I too am always afraid of the animals getting loose. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oops the last comment was from Stacey & Ethan Harvey