Recently, I have been thinking about how special our girls are. Obviously, since they are our kids we are bias, but they are pretty special and it's worth noting. They are growing up so fast and I would hate to forget some of the things they are doing and saying. I usually start with Drea, but we will mix it up a little and start with Charlotte.
Charlotte's two biggest phrases right now are, "I want to do what I want to do." and "When you lose, you win." The first one needs no explaining, she is three years old and stubborn. We have had some battles and I will admit that she wins sometimes, but more often then not she loses. The second phrase is from playing the seat belt game. (If you don't know what the seat belt game is read this older blog post: ) So when Char loses the seat belt game she says, "When you lose, you win.", meaning she wins the poop sandwich. I know, I'm warped, parenting does that to you, I think.
Charlotte has always been a great helper. She still is. It doesn't matter whether I need her help or not she wants to lend a helping hand. There are many times that I could get the job done a lot faster, but she wants to help. I don't want to turn her away if she wants to help because it is a great thing. She wants to help with the dishes, put clothes away, sweep, take the garbage out, clean the bathroom, or any other helpful job around the house. However, she doesn't like to pick up her toys, go figure.
My favorite thing Char likes to do is snuggle. She loves to have anyone just sit with her and watch tv or read a book. Her love language must be touch. She just enjoys that closeness. I don't know how many times when watching tv with her, that I get up to do something and she says, "I said, I want you to sit with me." I have learned rather quickly, that is all she wants.
Drea's favorite phrase right now is, "Can I tell you something?" There is never a day that goes by that she doesn't ask me that. I am never sure what she is going to say, but I am always eager to listen. Usually it's some question about toys, tv, or something we are doing for the day.
Drea loves to laugh. She always wants to play tickle fight. Always. Most mornings she wakes up and says, "Dad, can we play tickle fight?" I'll admit that sometimes, I don't want to play. That is until I read this story a couple of months ago:( ) Then I realized how much this game means to her. So if you ever see us just playing tickle fight in public, that is why.
The one thing Drea does that Charlotte has yet to master completely is the ability to play by herself. Drea enjoys going into her room and just playing with her toys. I feel like she has always been able to do this. She enjoys her time with her things, whether it is toys or art or now reading. This is good because she is comfortable being with herself and she is creative enough to entertain herself without others.
Another aspect I am loving right now is how the two of them play together. They are sisters so it isn't always perfect, but it's great when they just play together. I will just sit and listen to them. Occasionally, you can get five minutes alone with one of them, which is always a pleasure because they are fun to talk to. If this happens it usually occurs at bedtime. One of these moments occurred last night and I was proud of Drea. I was teasing and I told her I was going to sell Charlotte. I told her I could probably get $100,000 for her and we could redo Drea's room. She told me, "That's okay, Daddy, I would rather have sissy, and my old room."
I loved your link about the tickle monster. I'm passing that onto Marty. He plays it almost every night. The other night when he wasn't here, I asked the kids what they loved most about their dad. BOTH kids said the thing they loved the most is when he plays tickle monster and the kids weren't even together when they answered. You are a great Dad Andy! Your girls are so lucky to have you. Even though I'm a Mom, I learn a lot from you.
I hate to say this but Char may never play alone. Lydia at age 7 doesn't like to play alone unless it is in the tub with Barbies. They have had too really because there has always been a big sister. You are a great Dad and it shows because you have such awesome kids. I love you guys,
Aunt Karen
Even though I already knew some of these things about the girls, since I spent more time with you this summer than usual, I still enjoyed hearing about them! They are turning out great and yes, I agree with Gwen & Karen, you are a great dad. It shows in your love and patience with them! Love, Noni
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