My cousin Kristi, who is living with us right now, suggested that we go to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. This sounded like fun and of course it was all that and then some. The original plan was for Kristi, the girls, and I to drive to D.C. and meet her mom, Jeanne and my mom at the zoo. It was a wonderful idea and I was really excited about it. That's when the plan changed and it became a huge family outing, that included my sister, Karen and my nieces, Brynn and Lydia. The trip also provided the opportunity to visit with our friends the Hoffmasters, who recently moved to Ellicott City, MD. I feel bad for Kristi and Jeanne who came up with this idea and it became much more then they would have ever imagined, but it was great to see everyone and I am thankful that we were able to go.
A last minute phone call before boarding the Metro |
On the Metro with Kristi and Jeanne |
Is that Chester the Cheetah? |
Cousins: Charlotte, Lydia, Drea, and Brynn |
I thought this was cute...from left to right, Lydia, Drea, Isak, Charlotte, and Aunt Sarah |
The whole Zoo gang |
One of the elephants |
Char looking for some animals |
Say "Cheese!" |
It's interesting to see that Charlotte and Lydia are always next to each other...same with Drea and Brynn |
Hanging with the small mammals |
There are three turtles in this picture...Do you see them? |
Lions |
Drea waiting to get back on the Metro to head home... |
...Charlotte waiting too |
better than pittsburgh??
how many swings does it get in comparison?? :)for real..i need this information!??
I had such a wonderful time & I enjoyed seeing the pics! Brynn & Drea are alot alike & Lydia & Charlotte are also alot alike! All are cute & all are wonderful in my opinion! Thanks Kristi & Jeanne for getting us together and I never have been to that zoo before so cool beans! Love, Noni
As I look over these pictures again, I can't help but notice something that I didn't see before. Andy, on your dad's side of the family, there are a group of cousins with almost black hair. Your dad was one of them. Another group are all blonde, like Karen, Jard & Lauren. The 3rd group has light brown hair and usually most cousins in that group have a nice tan color skin. You, Andy, fall into that category, as well as Steve. So do Charlotte and Drea, and Kristi. When I look at the picture of Kristi and Charlotte, to me it is obvious that they are related. Cool! Love, Noni
Are you really surprised that Brynn and Drea are together and Char and Lydia? They are so much a like it is SCARY. I wish we were still at the zoo and we had some more lazy summer days left.
Love you guys,
Aunt Karen
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