Thursday, November 15, 2012


Sometimes I say too much.
Sometimes I am too open.
Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it.
Sometimes it's just to hard.
Sometimes the truth gets muddled in fiction.
Sometimes reality sets in.
Sometimes there has to be an easier way.
Sometimes I don't want to try.
Sometimes I think it should be better.
Sometimes I think why.
Sometimes I hope for better.
Sometimes I just want to say goodbye.
Sometimes I don't understand.
Sometimes I want to give up.
Sometimes I wish someone else could do it.
Sometimes I wish it was over.
Sometimes I am spent.
Sometimes it just sucks.
Sometimes it is the only choice.
Sometimes it is all I can do to stay afloat.
Sometimes the glass is half empty.
Sometimes God answers prayers...and sometimes that is enough.


Anonymous said...

Well Andy, I didn't know you were such a good poet! Laura was the one to write poetry, especially after your Dad died and she was in alot of pain. I guess I have done that also; a time or two. Writing your thoughts, good and bad, is healing for the soul. I have written, like a letter to God, about what is going on in my life. Some of the things I wrote, I just didn't want to keep (I was embarassed) but other things I have kept. For example, I have written about my life and alot of its twists and turns and also the humorous side as well. Art Linkletter used to say "Laughter is the best medicine" and sometimes after so many bizarre things happened, I just simply had to laugh and see the humor in the complexities of life! Sometimes the pain of the past is just too much and I can't relive it again, thank you very much! Unfortunately people choose to hurt us sometimes, and sometimes it is not because they are mean (although I am convinced some people are just that!) but it is through thoughtlessness, self-centeredness, and feeling that life is all about them. I have had people like that off and on throughout my life. Usually I chose to run like the wind away from them, but sometimes I just have to deal with them and it is at times like that when I totally rely on God. I know for sure that you are doing that at this time of your life and I am grateful to God for your life, and that God has found a home in you! Love ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

Can you stand a few more words from me? I was thinking in addition to what I said, and I hope its not too much to say more, but I have been dealing with bullies through a portion of my life. Since you are in the education field, and so am I, you know that "bullying" is a big topic of conversation in our field. I have found, more or less as an adult, that bullies are people who were given too much authority and/or responsibility at too young an age. They seem to continue on with this "being in charge of everyone" (to the point of bullying) because that is what they learned. Bullying also comes because someone has been so hurt as a child, that they are determined to do the hurting because that way, they will not be the victim. Unfortunately, they do not realize that they are in actuality, bullying someone else. I bring this point up, because I have experienced this with adults in the work place. Again, however, God is in control and NOT (Blessedly) me! I am not sure that this has anything to do with your poem, but I just thought it was worth sharing! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I want to add more stuff to my comment. Sorry .... I remember when your dad died, our lives were like a living nightmare. I know other people have had worse, like these flood victims in NJ. But for everyone that was nice and good to us, there was another person that was thoughtless, cruel, mean, and selfish. I remember thinking at that time, that I wished they could put themselves in our shoes and imagine what it was like and what we were going through. Some people are so self-righteous and think they are so very superior, that they failed to have compassion. A few years ago, I was taking a class to get recertified for being a lay speaker. They divided the group of about 40 people into two groups. Unfortunately, I got into the group of a negative person who complained bitterly about so much. I was supposed to have a turn to speak & never got to that day. (which is for me, the chatty Kathy, annoying!) I have learned that when I don't get a chance to speak, it is because God has a plan for me to be used later, which is what happened. The following week, I am back in the same group again with negative Nellie. She complained about what a boring sermon this one pastor she had always gave. Gripe, gripe, etc. Her next remark was that on top of that, it was only like a 10 minute sermon. I said "well if his sermon was so boring, I would have thought you'd be glad it was so short!" Everyone laughed & the conversation began again in a positive way with everyone participating including me! LOL!
Not sure what my point is except maybe when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Love, (again) Mom