Monday, June 3, 2013

Last Day of School

Today was Drea's last day of 1st grade.  She was pretty upset on Friday night because and I quote, "I am never going to see Mrs. Morris, again!"  Cue the waterworks.  I told her she would see her Monday and then next year.  I don't know if that will be good enough.  She really loved her kindergarten teacher as well.  I didn't think it would be possible for her to like 1st grade as much.  I was wrong.  She had a great year and did very well on her report card.  Now, only if we can get her to help her sister.

Here are some pictures of the first day of school way back in August:

Here are some pictures from today:

I can't tell if she has changed much since the beginning of the year...

...I should have made her wear the same outfit...

One last cute one of them both


Anonymous said...

Well, Andy, I am glad Drea loved both of her teachers! I can see where she is getting taller and thinner than in September. Guess she is really growing up more all the time, as she, and all children should! Love, Mom

young wife&mom said...

okay so if you look at the light switch in the background..she looks shorter than she did in August?? what shoes was she wearing?? ha! cute pictures and what a blessing she is to everyone who knows her.