Monday, October 7, 2013

Laugh, Think, Cry

As I noted in August, I love a good speech.  There is many good speeches over the years.  One of my favorites is Jimmy V's speech.  Of course I am referencing Jim Valvano's 1993 speech at the ESPYs awards.  Jimmy V was fighting a fight that he could not win and still though it all he managed to give one of the most passionate speeches about life.  To be honest with you, maybe that is what it takes.  Facing death, to know what life is about.  I don't know really, but there is something about all of that, that makes you think.  I suppose I am just rambling.  Here is his speech if you want to take the time to watch...

My take out from all of this, if you don't want to watch is this...obviously, don't give up, don't ever give up...but, for me at least on this night, is if you laugh, think, and cry in a day, that you have a full day.  I don't know how much I think...well, probably too much, but I love a good cry.  However, more then that, I love to laugh.   I love to find humor in anything.  Seriously, that is my go to move.  Whenever, I am uncomfortable, that is what I go too.  All of that being said, I find this next video to be funny and I wanted to share...


Anonymous said...

It isn't that we don't want your take on stuff, but we are really looking for pictures of the girls. Haha, I love you brother. I guess we get the humor thing from dad. When I go to a funeral I always seem to make the family laugh. I don't mean too. Ok, well maybe I do, but it is the only way I can think of to make the hurt feel a little bit less.
Talk to you soon,

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a little tired, so I didn't listen all the way through, but I might have taken over the humor thing also. My humor is rather dry, I find, and it pops out when I am uncomfortable about a situation, or sometimes, whenever. Actually, I remember having that dry humor even before I met your dad. I love a good laugh and I love when I make others laugh! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

True- except in relationships. Sometimes you have to give up when someone lets you down.