Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Drea's Birthday Blog

Yesterday was Drea's eighth birthday.  We celebrated her day by going out to eat at Golden Corral for the first time.  It was delicious.  Every year we let the kids pick a place to go out to eat and this was Drea's choice.  Who knew they could put cotton candy on the buffet?  She was pretty funny all day because every time she wanted to do something she said we should let her because it was her birthday.  Her party was this past Saturday.  This year Drea followed Charlotte by having her party at Casey ATA in Morgantown.  I really like the party that they provide.  It seems like the right amount of time to play, eat, and open gifts.

Lining Up

Warming Up for some Karate


Getting Instructions for a Relay race

Fighting the punching bag

Practicing Kicks

Theo getting involved in the act

Getting ready for Cake...

...technically they are cupcakes

Opening gifts

The party would not be complete without singing Happy Birthday,
I like what all the kids are doing while we are singing


Stephen said...

Happy birthday Drea

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics and seeing what the birthday party was like! Happy Birthday, Drea, 8th birthday I mean! Silly me! Love, Noni

Rich, Teresa and Kalee said...

Happy Birthday Drea! I can't believe you are 8! It's been toooooooo long since we've seen you and your family. I hope you had a wonderful day, filled with cotton candy!