Monday, May 26, 2014

Hashbrown Casserole Cook-off

Today, during our Memorial Day cookout, my friends and I set up a hashbrown casserole cook-off.  The rules were pretty simple.  Make your best casserole and vote on your favorite other than yours.  The most votes wins.  Besides having the satisfaction of winning, the winner gets first choice to make hashbrown casserole at any and all cooking functions for the next year. 

Here are the contestants' cassroles 

A closer view

And the Winner!


young wife&mom said...

pride comes before the fall my friend...for the record adding bacon to skew the man vote is WRONG;)
thanks for hosting--we had a great time!

Dan Mathess said...


/end contest

Anonymous said...

I have had your hash brown casserole and, I must admit, it is good. However, I can't really be a fair judge because I didn't get to taste anyone else's casserole. Oh, ok, I will trust that your friends didn't pick yours because 1) they were at your house and 2) they felt sorry for you because you always want to make hash brown casserole for gatherings! LOL! Just kidding! Love, Mom

Stephen said...

Where is my serving???