Monday, February 9, 2009


I just had a few random thoughts that I felt the need to share...I'll start with the negative items or should I say my dislikes.....
  1. A-Rod, steroids, and the media's love affair with it.
  2. Larry Fitzgerald and ESPN's love affair with him (he's a good guy and probably a good role model and all, but since he went to Pitt and ESPN loves him, he is on my list of dislikes)
  3. UNC-Duke, Dickie V and anything ACC

Oprah can have her favorite are my likes...

  1. Flipsides pretzel crackers - these things are awesome...Drea loves 'em, too!
  2. Direct Deposit-it makes life so much easier
  3. Drea's prayers...especially when she free styles and makes them up on her own, I wish I could remember them, they are to cute and funny
  4. Stacey's ability to still be a mom and great wife, all the while being 36 weeks pregnant

I certainly have more likes and dislikes, but for now that is all I would like to write about. Watch out for pics of the baby's room soon to be posted by someone. Finally, in closing a Drea story. Last night, she was trying to go to sleep and she was moving all around the bed. I asked her what are you doing, she responded, "I'm exercising and I havt to be healthy you know!"

1 comment:

Stacey said...

By the way, I hadn't had a chance to read this entry yet and the comment about me on it before I posted my post is not just because you wrote something nice about me. :) Love you, Stacey