Friday, May 1, 2009


Charlotte has slept in her own bed for five hours at a time for the past three nights! God's timing is so perfect...all the time. I was getting concerned about going back to work in a week and how exhausted I would be. But now Andy and I are able to get some more rest more than a week before I start back to work.

We had been sleeping with Charlotte on the couch because she would only sleep for about an hour interval in her own bed and we just needed more sleep. She definitely would sleep a few hours longer snuggled up to Daddy on the couch.

Yeah! Sleep is wonderful!

1 comment:

Rich, Teresa and Kalee said...

Yea!!! That is great news - sleep is an amazing thing! It is amazing how little sleep you need to function, but how WONDERFUL it is when you suddenly start to get more. So HAPPY for you guys (and still jealous that Rich got to see you all)!