Drea did this drawing at daycare. I don't know if you can really see it that well but I was very proud of my little artist. I think this is great for a three year old! The drawing is of Drea, Mommy and Daddy - in order. She told me "See, I was wearing pigtails in my hair that day." Oh yea, she said she forgot Charlotte.
This picture is Drea designing a picture frame at the art festival we went to in Morgantown last week.
Here she is painting a rock. She loves arts and crafts.
This was a special project Drea and I did with some leftover printer ink packaging from work that we were "recycling." After my friend Emily guilted me into reusing it - no really, thanks for the idea Emily. (I paid you back with the cardboard!) It turned out really neat - there were 8 individual pieces and we decorated each of them and then glued them together to make this little piece of art. She gave it to Daddy for "Daddy's Day" as she called it. He's still not sure what it is but it looks like a Lego and he loves those.
Watch this video of my little talker. Sorry I seem to be jiggling the camera a little for the first 20 seconds or so.