Thursday, February 11, 2010

Post 100, Barrett, & other Thoughts

Can you believe this is our 100th post? Who would have thought that would happen? What is more amazing to me is I have posted 53 times and Stacey has posted 47. Not that I am keeping score. Perhaps all the snow days have a lot to do with this. I mean she started the blog 3 years ago and as an afterthought she suggested that I blog, too. I really did not want to at first. Well, I guess I have had something to say after all. I hope all that read our blog enjoy it, because we have enjoyed writing it and also following others bloggers along the way. Here's hoping for 100 more.

So I have been watching the girls and Barrett on Thursday nights while Stacey and Jody have been going to Weight Watchers and Zumba. Anyway, last week I was just watching Charlotte and Barrett. Drea went with Mommy and Aunt Jody. Well, I was feeding Charlotte in the kitchen and Barrett was in Charlotte's room playing. I could hear him jumping up and down and having a good time. Other then the jumping he was very quiet. So I called for him to come out of Charlotte's room. This is what I found.

Notice how cloudy this picture looks

That would be an entire bottle of baby powder

Somehow, Barrett managed to keep himself pretty clean. Maybe, this is why God has given me girls not boys. Either way, I got a good laugh out of it. I mean what else would I do.....beat him.

Why is it that people with four wheel drive think they are invincible in the snow. Last night, I had to run out to let my friend, Dave's dog out, and this truck tailgated me the entire time. Look, I have four wheel drive and it makes me feel safe, but you don't have to drive like an idiot because of it. The guy even flashed his high beams at me because I wasn't going fast enough. I seriously wanted to get out the car and say something to him. Then, I realized that I have never been in a fight in my life and now wasn't the time to start.

I know some of our readers are Duke and UNC fans but quite frankly, I am sick of all the hype over them playing. I was listening to sports talk radio today and they were saying its not the same when UNC isn't good. Yeah, it's better. I have said this before, it's easy when you are a proven winner like these programs are, to win. So it's nice every once in a while for UNC fans to know how it feels not to win. That is what is good about college sports.


young wife&mom said...

i'm glad you all blog too...its fun to keep up with your family and i love the pictures..
by the way...not all boys get into everything! ha. our boys thankfully hate messes. today jack had a speck of pudding on his hand and broke down in tears..about the "mess"!

Dave said...

I forgot you left me a message about the tailgater. I meant to ask you about that. Thanks again for letting Cooper out!

Rich, Teresa and Kalee said...

memories!!! Isn't it fun making them!

Anonymous said...

While I am blocked from the blog at school, when I get a chance to use a computer elsewhere I definitely enjoy catching up on all the activities my family is experiencing. Thanks!

One comments about the tailgating -
not the kind you do at football games, etc. which I love, but the annoying driver who tries to practically run into your vehicle in their rush to be "first". First to where - the cemetery? I also have noticed these speed demon types rush to pass & swerve from one lane to the next on my way to work. By the time I get to the next light I have not only caught up to them, by keeping my normal pace, but have often passed them. I wish I could wave "bye bye" to them, but I am sure they are also the type that are so self-absorbed that they never knew they passed me in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at Barrett. I know the baby powder thing is annoying when it happens to you, but in time it is hysterical! I remember Karen & Kim Steelman (now Kim Wecht) doing something similar in the master bedroom of our home in Centerton. Was not thrilled at first but them you think to yourself - wow, it is a mess but it is only baby powder. Later Andy & Karen took up painting the basement floor. Noni

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy: Wow - I know this is an old post, but I had Googled my name and this post came up so I had to read it and see what it was about! Baby powder is FUN to play with don't you know? Apparently, Karen and I also thought so too! I am glad I found this post - I have very fond and happy memories of all of us playing together in Centerton. Hope all is well with all of you! Blessings, Kim Wecht