I don't thank you enough. I know I'm quick to complain when things aren't going well. For example recently, I was complaining to my mom about money. I was telling her how we look forward to our tax refund and all the things we can do with it. However, it never fails, something always comes up and we have to use it for something else. Now you know I'm not completely negative, I am thankful we have it for things we need, but it's the other things we don't have the money for that gets frustrating. Here's my point, this year was different. You provided and you will continue to provide because you always do. Thanks to you we were able to use our refund to purchase plane tickets to visit my sister in California, get our season tickets for Mountaineer football, pay our personal and property taxes, give money to the church building fund, purchase bookshelves for Drea's room and the living room, and fix some minor repairs to my car. That is a whole lot of stuff. I know that it is just stuff and it isn't that important in the whole scheme of things. I also know you want us to have an abundant life and you want us to be happy. I just want to thank you over and over, not just for our stuff, but for everything you have given us, because you are good and I should tell you and others more. Amen
Well said...
Thanks for reminding me to be thankful even in the storms of life. I love you.
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