Sunday, May 30, 2010

If you need a book to read........

I recommend this book by Donald Miller, it 's called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It is a very good and quick read and I always enjoy his work. I have read all of his books and they are always very entertaining and worth reading. The main idea of this book is creating a great story in your life, I would like to share an except from the book:

My friend Randy recently created a great memory with his daughter. When his daughter entered high school, she started to get more interested in girl things, and the two to them didn't talk as much as they used to. When she got asked to the prom, she was very excited. Her dad simply responded by saying congratulations. She quickly slid past him and jumped up and down in front of her mom. He didn't mean to be dismissive, but he didn't know what he was supposed to say. About a week later he was watching SportsCenter when his wife and daughter came home with the dress. They didn't say anything to him, knowing he wouldn't be interested, and went back to the daughter's bedroom so she could put it on. When she into the living room to show her dad, he turned down the volume and told her she looked nice, that it was a nice color, but when she curtsied and thanked him and walked away he knew he should have said more. He wanted to tell her that she was beautiful and that she was his princess and all the stuff fathers find so hard to say to their daughters. He turned the television back on and tired to pay attention to the scores, but all of this kept bugging him. Then he came up with an idea. He decided to create a memorable scene, if you will. He turned off the tv and went into his closet and put on his suit. Without letting his wife or daughter see him, he found the family camera and knocked on her door. When his daughter opened the door, she was still in the dress and her mother was sitting on the bed with stick-pins in her mouth. My friend said his wife almost swallowed the pins. "Honey", my friend said to his wife, "would you mind taking a picture of us?" "Daddy, you're wearing a suit," his daughter said, confused. "I want to look good in the picture too," he told her. The three of them ended up dancing in the living room until one in the morning, my and friend and his wife telling stories about their own prom dates and how they wished they would have known each other in high school. (pgs. 210-211)

I share this with you for a few reasons. One, I just think it is a cool story. Two, I like this story because I am a Dad of two girls and I know this day is coming. I hope I will always know the right thing to say and do. The reality is I probably won't, but this story touched my heart as most father/daughter stories do. Our two little ones are still a few years away until the prom and dresses and more importantly, dating, however, I know it will be he sooner and much quicker then I want. I could go on and on about them, and what it will be like and how I incredible it is to be a Dad, but I won't. I'll just end by saying this, take time for you loved ones, and if you get a chance pick up, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, and create your own story.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

my girls

I love my girls. I love the way the are so alike and so different. When Charlotte was born, I thought I knew a lot about Drea already but I have started realizing that I'm learning more about her personality every day. Watching Charlotte's personality blossom has made Drea's more vivid, too.

The ways the girls are similar:

They are both NONSTOP. Seriously, they don't stop moving very often. (Even when they were both babies and nursing, they would look like they were doing gymnastics while they were eatting.) That's probably why I turned the TV on a little too much when Drea was little. I needed her to stop moving. And yes, she did become a zombie when it came on but they gave me a minute to get something done or breath. Now that I have two movers, I just turn the TV off more because I've come to the realization that they are going to just keep moving and I've just got to keep moving with them. Besides, Charlotte isn't interested in the TV much so it doesn't help. I've learned that I have to find activities to wear them out, keep them moving, because it's just more fun that way.

Drea and Charlotte both love being outside and playing. The both love to laugh and romp on the floor with Daddy. They are both super stubborn (one more than the other...I bet you can't guess which one.) And they both love reading. Books seem to be such a staple in our lives. I love that about them. They will stop anything they are doing to let mommy read them a book.

Alexandrea (Drea)

Drea is very much a character. She loves a good laugh, loves to make other people laugh and can giggle at anything. (She takes this after her father.) Aunt Jody always comments that she loves Drea's sense of humor. You can catch her giggling at the most random things and she can make Charlotte laugh in an instant. I pray that my girls will always be laughing together as they grow up.

In case you have never noticed, Drea has to have things a certain way. After doing something one way, it always has to be that way in the future. For instance, has she been to your house lately? Has she played with something specific, or eaten something specific at your house? She will forever relate that event with your house and think she should do that every time. Which brings me to another characteristic of hers, her memory. She never forgets anything. This has made her a great learner and I'm sure when she's in school she will appreciate this or at least her teachers will. One thing you will never be amiss with Drea is she knows what she wants and she will surely let you know. (My mom says she gets that from me. I guess I'm kind of bossy. Who knew? ha, ha, ha. )

Drea is a great big sister and a great family helper. Making breakfast for our family has become her way of serving us. She delights in being big enough to help mommy and daddy cook, take out the trash, and learn other household chores. This doesn't mean she's always interested in doing it. Sometimes playing is more fun than anything. But when Andy was putting our new Ikea furniture together she needed to be right in the middle of it. She would lug the heavy pieces of wood to her Daddy to be his little helper.

She loves playing with her friends, playing games, and dressing up! She loves doing crafts, playing outside, and going on any kind of adventure. She has lots of energy that she needs to expend every day. And loves thinking of fun ways to do that. She also loves to take pictures and they are usually really good. Drea is our picky eater. But usually if you can get her to try something, she will like it. She is stubborn enough though that she often won't try something to get dessert.

Beyond the normal bossy, sometimes whiny, and general 4 year old fun, Drea is a sweet, kind-hearted, good natured little girl who loves life, loves to talk, and loves to be around people who love her.

Below are a couple pictures you can enjoy of her.


Charlotte is a cuddler. When she gets up in the morning or from her nap she will usually just sit with her arms around my neck for a minute cuddling. She loves our dogs. She will give them hugs all the time. Throws her arms around them and gives them a big bear hug squeeze and you know what, they let her.
I was saying before that Charlotte loves to be outside like Drea. If one of the doors are open, she stands looking out the screen doors getting excited because she thinks someone is going to take her outside. Sometimes I take them out just because it's so cute. Her daycare teacher says she is one of their only kids who doesn't cry outside.

In case you hadn't figured it out yet, Charlotte is the one I was saying is the stubborn one. She is more determined and stubborn than Drea ever was. To Andy and I this seems hard to believe. We are constantly dragging her out of the dogs' food and water bowls. And it doesn't matter what we do she just goes right back. Offer suggestions if you want, but we've probably tried it. I pray that we can teach her to use this determination for good because it can be a great strength.

She has a definite ornery streak. You can find her often hitting her sister over the head with a brush, a barbie or anything she can find. And Drea just laughs. Doesn't help, huh. (That's what I told you about Drea, will laugh at almost anything.) Most people just say that Charlotte is paying Drea back all of the turture she endured as a baby from Drea dragging her everywhere or being a little extra rough with her. So hopefully this is just a payback stage. You can also see this ornery streak in some of the pictures below. Daddy and Drea were working on putting the Ikea shelves together...Charlotte, she was playing in the squares they had finished. You can see rotten written all over that "cheese" face.

Charlotte loves playing. Her main tasks right now are putting things into containers or putting things together. You can really see her concentrating on these tasks and learning how things work. She likes to take things apart and put them back together.

She loves to "cheese" for the camera, enjoys pulling the toilet paper off the roll when we have our backs turned, loves the bathtub (most of the time), and she loves...I mean, LOVES to eat! That kid can put food down. Sometimes we can't figure out how she has enough room for it all. Then she gets up and you see her big belly sticking out! It's so funny.

Here are some pictures of Charlotte below for your enjoyment.

Monday, May 17, 2010

WV takes State Testing Serious

These are actual directions teachers in WV have to follow during state testing this week. The state department has spend countless hours and money to cover any scenario.

Severe Weather Testing Protocol

1. Should a severe weather situation occur during testing, please remain calm. To display any kind of anxiety would be a testing irregularity and must be reported.

2. Please do not look out the window to watch for approaching tornadoes. You must monitor the students at all times. To do otherwise would be a testing irregularity and must be reported.

3. Should students notice an approaching tornado and begin to cry, please make every effort to protect their testing materials from the flow of tears and sinus drainage.

4. Should a flying object come through your window during testing, please make every effort to ensure that it does not land on a testing booklet or an answer sheet. Please make sure to soften the landing of the flying object so that it will not disturb the students while testing.

5. Should shards of glass from a broken window come flying into the room, have the students use their bodies to shield their testing materials so that they will not be damaged. Have plenty of gauze on hand to ensure that no one accidentally bleeds on the answer documents. Damaged answer sheets will not scan properly.

6. Should gale force winds ensue, please have everyone stuff their test booklets and answer sheets into their shirts...being very careful not to bend them because bent answer documents will not scan properly.

7. If any student gets sucked into the vortex of the funnel cloud, please make sure they mark at least one answer before departing...and of course make sure they leave their answer sheets and test booklets behind. You will have to account for those.

8. Should a funnel cloud pick you, the test administrator, up and take you flying over the rainbow, you will still be required to account for all of your testing materials when you land so please take extra precautions. Remember, once you have checked them out, they should never leave your hands.

9. When rescue workers arrive to dig you out of the rubble, please make sure that they do not, at any time, look at or handle the testing materials. Once you have been treated for your injuries, you will still be responsible for checking your materials back in. Search dogs will not be allowed to sift through the rubble for lost tests...unless of course they have been through standardized test training.

10. Please do not pray should a severe weather situation arise. Your priority is to actively monitor the test and a student might mark in the wrong section if you are praying instead of monitoring. I'm sure God will put war, world hunger, crime, and the presidential primaries on hold until after testing is over. He knows how important this test is.

Please do not tell anyone that I am sharing this information with you. This is very confidential, but I thought everyone should be aware the lengths we are taking for the education of your children.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Attention all readers:

Do not trust this man. He is a thief. He will say he will watch your children, but in fact he will steal your coffee mug. I thought he was trustworthy, but he is just like all lawyers: A lair and a cheat.

If you see him please run the other way, if you talk to him it is already too late. Please be on the look out and guard your coffee mugs. Below is a photo of my missing mug. If you see the criminal, I mean lawyer, please call the police. If you have any other information regarding this matter please contact me.