Monday, June 14, 2010

The past nine years

This is the door I have walked in many mornings for the past nine years of my life.

This is the desk I have worked at for the past nine years; my own little world at the credit union (minus my pretty plants that I had already taken home - that made it look a little more "homey".)

These are some of the people I worked with everyday that made my days awesome! I didn't get pictures of everyone because lots of people were not available and I was way busy my last couple weeks!

Yep, that's my dad in the picture above. I have had the privilege of working with my dad for the past year. I didn't get to take a picture of Beth before I left, probably because she was busy making me do 500 things for her before I left. :) It has also been cool working with her for all these years. I also don't have pictures of Susan, Amy, Emily (was still on maternity leave), Alicia, Stacey H. or the rest of my buddies in the Upper Annex.

During my almost decade at the credit union, a lot has happened in my life. I started there when I was still in college. So shortly after beginning my tenure there I graduated college. Then I married my wonderful husband! And if putting up with me through those events weren't enough, then my coworkers had to go through 2 pregnancies and births of my little girls.

Even though everything wasn't always good and times weren't always great, I know that my time there has helped shape me into the person I am today. The credit union was a great place to work and I made lots of friends that will last a lifetime who feel like family now. During my exit interview, they asked me what my favorite thing about the credit union was. I said "the family atmosphere." They said that is what almost every person that leaves there says.

Yesterday...after leaving the comfort of my old office and old desk and old coworkers last week...I found a new home for a while. A new building to walk into everyday, a new cubicle to sit at and new coworkers...and boy, was it scary. But I am ready for the adventure.

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