Sunday, June 26, 2011

Spring to summer...catching up. (Part II)

Bilotta family visit
Unfortunately, my dad's brother and their quickly growing family came to WV to visit when my aunt's mother died. We were sad about their loss but took advantage of the time we could spend with them. There were three new babies in the mix since the last time we saw them, that equals lots of baby cuddle time!

This is my new cousin, Tyler. He was only 5 months old in this picture...yes, 5 months old. He is the cutest thing ever!

These are my new twin cousins! Avie and Elise. They were so adorable and it was wonderful getting to hold them get to know them. I appreciated that I only had one baby at a time. Two babies are a huge handful.

This is my cousin's wife, Lauren, and their beautiful daughter, Madison. My girls were so happy to get some playtime in with her, although her and Charlotte seemed like they could stir up some good trouble together.

My sister, Kareen, holding Tyler. Avie (crap, I think it's Avie) with her momma, my cousin's wife, Meg.

My cousins, Matthew and Jonathan...both in the Air Force.

My Uncle David and Aunt Terry (sorry Aunt Terry, I know I take random candid photos sometimes).

My cousin, Daniel and his wife, Lauren.

Drea and I getting some snuggle time with Elise (I think.) :)

Madison and Charlotte. They look like they are getting ready to do something rotten to Tyler.

Dancing with the girls in our living room.

Pittsburgh Children's Museum
I'm not going to add a lot of captions to these photos because I think they speak for themselves. Most of them were taken at incredible exhibits at the museum. The kids had so much fun and we can't wait to take them back.

Making a sprinkler system in the water room.

Look, we made it through the day without looking like the kids ran us over with a truck. Sometimes two little active girls leave us feeling like we ran a marathon at the end of the day.

Charlotte's favorite part... washing off rocks.

Mud volcano

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Spring to summer...catching up. (Part I)

We have been in a blogging lull. Every time I think about blogging I'm stumped with what to actually write. Then we get so backed up with stories and pics and thoughts that we have missed blogging about that we can't decide where to start...and then the cycle begins again. Stumped. So that's why I'm doing an all encompassing catch up blog.

Easter 2011
"Practice" egg hunts at our house. The kids think this is a blast so we do a few hunts at our house leading up to the BIG hunt at my great-uncles. 

Loves any chance to wear her rain boats.

On the way to Sunday morning Easter service.

Always the ham.

It rained during the BIG hunt at my uncle Buddy's...but leave it to Pappaw to help his granddaughter find eggs without messing up her hair.

Daddy and Charlotte hunting for eggs.

After the rain, the kids found some perfect mud holes.

Drea stopped caring about her hair and wanted to join in the fun. It pained me to let her because we were ready to go home but then I realized that sometimes we need to slow down so they can just be kids.

She had a blast! Notice Charlotte's not in these pictures at all. She wanted to play but everytime her toes would get in the mud she would get upset and want her feet cleaned off.

Down time
Playing with the girls at bedtime one night.

They wanted to try on my hat.

My friend's little girls came to play with my girls. They have so much fun together. Seneca, the oldest who is standing up beside me in this photo, was one of the flower girls in our wedding. We have known her since she was born and now she is 12.

Teddy's first birthday

Our friends, Emily and Joel, held their son's first birthday party during the beginning of May. They had a baseball themed party. We had so much fun celebrating with them...I remembered the day his momma told me she was pregnant with him...and now he's one year old.

 Sarah's 30th

My friend, Sarah, celebrated her 30th birthday towards the end of May. Jordan threw her a small, intimate party with some of her close friends. We had dinner at Montemartre, the restaurant on the top of Hotel Morgan. It was a lovely evening. This picture is all the ladies trying to look young and beautiful even in our thirties. :)

This is the cool gentlemen who were with us for the evening. haha

My beautiful friend, Sarah, and her awesome husband, Jordan

Happy 30th birthday Sarah! 30s rock!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Lately I can't stop thinking about all of the dreams I have. I'm guessing it was the "changing of the age" (as my friend Christian puts it) that I just experienced last month when I turned 32. Yes, 32.

We all have dreams. Some are attainable, some seem as though they would never be possible.

Growing up I dreamed of being a lot of things, one of which was a model.  When I was Three Rivers Queen in high school, the pagaent world only fueled that desire. Alas, that obviously never happened...being 5'7 would never get me there. Apparently the dream wasn't too important or I would've have moved away to reach for that dream. I remember doing some modeling photography sessions, one with Paul Starr, the original owner of Starr Photography and a different session with a "model search companies" that had come to the area. That was one of those scams that you hear about. Gave them a lot of money to take pictures and they said they would send those to agencies and such but I'm pretty sure they just told you all the stuff you wanted to hear but anyway, it was still pretty fun for me.

I also dreamed of being a Rockette. (Again, not a lot of heighth on my side for that one.) I think they always seemed so fancy and classic. I have been known, at times, for my kicking ability and I always thought watching the Rockettes kickline was awesome.  I wasn't allowed to be a Honeybee when I was in high school.  I think the Honeybees at East Fairmont have always been similar to the Rockettes. They do a fantastic kickline at the football games. Again, I never wanted to move away and I never had the completely build to be these people... not just tall, pretty darn skinny, too.

I dreamed of being a back-up dancer for some cool artist like Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Janet Jackson, or even a Fly Girl (that might date you or me a little). It's funny I can watch a video or a performance and I always notice the back-up dancers more than most people probably. I think they don't get noticed as often as they should. They probably put in a lot of hours and hardwork. I think build was never my issue for not following this dream. If anything I could hang with the back-up dancers. Big booty, thighs and smaller waists - I'm good in those arenas. (You've seen some of those girls, right?) Well, again I didn't desire to move away. I always thought I would do good living in a big city somewhere but just didn't have the guts to go.  I love to dance. I always have. I started dancing when I was three years old, stopped a few times and always came back. If you have ever noticed I don't tend to sit still well, I'm constantly fidgeting. Well, I always feel like when I'm dancing, my body is at rest. Doesn't seem to make sense, does it? I bet it would to fellow dancers. Anyway, I guess this is why I still dance at the age of 32.  By the way, we have a dance recital tomorrow. My favorite time of the year. I love being on stage and I absolutely love performing.

I dreamed of being a mom. While growing up, I always "mothered" everyone. I mothered my baby dolls. When my sister was born, I joyed in taking care of her and making her do things that I wanted her to do. And having three brothers to boss around worked well in my favor. Sometimes this dream still haunts me because I think if I dreamed of being a mom and always felt like I was made to be a mother how come I'm not better at it. (My friend Lorrie would probably say "by who's standards. Who are you comaring yourself to?") Some day I figure I will feel more confident in my parenting abilities...not sure when...but I think I will.

I dreamed of being a physical therapist but realized, in good timing, that sometimes anything in the medical (kind of?) profession can be depressing at times. I couldn't handle that. At some point in college, I thought I would be a cool broadcaster on tv on day so I went into journalism school. I later figured out that many reporters are broke and decided to try another route. Design seemed to spark a new joy in me. That's when I taught myself to be a graphic designer after one class in college.

Now some of my dreams are on a completely different scale. I dream of opening some cool art center for kids (well, adults too.) I dream of making WVU licensed products...t-shirts, stationary, etc. I dream of having some cool thing I make. (Ever visited There are some really neat people on there who make and sell some really awesome things. )

Lately, I have been talking to God a lot about finding my passion. I believe he might be showing me that it's right under my nose.  I always image following my passions would mean doing some grandiose thing like starting a center for trouble teens or something crazy like that. I think God might be showing me otherwise. I'm still not sure what that is but I'm waiting around until he lets me in on the secret.

By the way, when my kids read this post when they are older, they are going to move away to pursue their dreams aren't they? :(