Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Summer Park Tour: Park Three

Well, our tour continues with a visit to Valley Falls State Park.  The girls and I were invited to go with our friends Jordan, Sarah, Isak and Elijah.  We also managed to mix in a picnic and some exploring of the falls.  The girls had a blast as usual and it was a good time spent with friends. 

This is the play area at Valley Falls.  It's not the biggest, but it's new and the kids basically had the whole park to themselves.

Elijah and Charlotte climbing the rock wall

Drea checking out the stairs before going across the bridge

I think this swing is for handicapped children, but it works as a double swing for Elijah and Charlotte

Isak and Drea

I'm not quite sure what Charlotte is doing here...either way she is cute

Exploring the rocks

Elijah, Charlotte, Isak, and Drea

Killing off the tadpole population

I was positive Charlotte was going to fall in the water....she didn't

Exploring the cave with friends

Ok, so Charlotte didn't fall in the water, but she managed to fall in the mud

T was very upset that she fell in the mud, but as soon as I said let me take your picture she stopped crying.  I am having trouble writing the final paragraph so I will just include it, in the caption area.  I loved this park.  Rating it on the scale of one to five swings, I give it 5 swings.  There is so much for the kids to do here.  Maybe it was spending time with friends, maybe it was because it wasn't a busy day, maybe it was the food.  Either way it was a great time and there was a little bit of everything for the girls to do.  I think they will have no problem at all going back. 


young wife&mom said...

see I told you! i'd give this one a 5 too..maybe a 4.9 since it is so far away! fun pictures. claire wouldve freaked out about the mud.

Gwen said...

We love Valley Falls Park too. It's beautiful there, lots of fun . . . and close to me which is even better! I see a small group picnic there in the future =)

Anonymous said...

I definitely would give this place a 5! So much so that I would really, really love to go there. It is so what I like! The woods, the atmosphere, the rocks and the little cave thing. The playground is awesome! Char falling in the mud reminds me of my childhood. My parents & aunt & uncle took me to a camp to visit my cousin. I slid down a muddy hill. Needless to say I looked even worse than Charlotte! Memories! LOL! Love, Noni