Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Summer Park Tour: Park Two

This week is Spring Break for Drea and I, so what better way to spend our break then continuing our Park Tour.  Up next on our tour is Watson Elementary school playground.  I guess technically it is not a park, but to be clear my definition of park is playground equipment.  So it is part of the tour.  My tour, my rules. 

This is one of the play areas at Watson...the kids usually never play there, but they did today.  Obviously not in this picture, but trust me they did.  I already put the camera away, but the girls ran up and down this hill several times.

This castle section is the newest play area...it has all kinds of cool things for the kids

This is another play area that also has all sorts of equipment for the kids to play on

So enough with all the pictures of the playground equipment, how about some pics of the cutest girls in the whole wide world

Ok, so I may have let Char dress herself

Drea loves to climb...

...and run

Look at me!

Music anyone

This is my favorite picture from the day....don't tell Charlotte

Take a look at Charlotte's shoes.  They are Dora crocs.  I must of told her a million times to put them back on her feet.  They weren't the best shoes to wear especially on this part of the playground because of the tiny rocks.

The girls were playing so nice together.  That is one of my favorite things to watch and listen too. 

This by far is my favorite park in Fairmont.  I rate it 4.5 swings.  The two things this playground lacks is a water fountain and bathrooms.  I love the variety of things for the kids to do here.  I can't recall any time that we have been here and they haven't had fun.  I like that they have the different type of equipment for the girls.  There is also a big field that we could probably fly a kite in.  I think it will be very hard to top this playground. 


young wife&mom said...

okay...i like the park but i think 4.5 is too high! where will you go from there andy? i have a few issues with this park: many times there are too many kids there--its hard to chase 3 kids around all over those parks and those little rocks are SO hard walk in..in the summer if you take your flips off--the rocks are so hot too. but it is fun and i would rate it a 4.

Anonymous said...

thanks for starting my day off with a smile. An char clothes an shoes are her . love it Love nunnie

Anonymous said...

You are a great dad to let Char dress herself. It is hard to give up that control. Brynn wore pink cowgirl boots to Pre-K every day. And now she refuses to wear anything but leggings or sweat pants. Lydia only wears crocs and jeans. And she hates underware. I don't want to think about where that could lead to. Any way it takes guts to let your child dress themself because who knows what they will come up with. What a great park. We will have to come visit and try it out. I can't wait to see what the next park will be like. We love you all.
Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that you let the girls pick their outfits out to wear. I tried to pick out for you and Karen, and eventually gave up trying, esp. for you, Andy! But Laura I never even tried except when she was a little baby! She definitely had her own style & so did Maria! LOL! Both scary! I liked the pic of Drea below your favorite. The colors of these pics are awesome, and that pic displayed how co-ordinated Drea really is! Love, Noni