Charlotte cracks me up. She is always doing something that makes us laugh. Sometimes the stories and the things she does, don't translate well into a blog post. Sometimes I forget. However, rarely a day goes by that she doesn't do something that makes me laugh. Charlotte can be sweet and caring, loving and kind, but there are times she does stuff that quite honestly I don't imagine girls doing. For example, tonight she was getting a bath and all of a sudden, she starts blowing snot rockets. Really?
Look at that face...that is not innocence |
The other night I was reading the girls books and Charlotte says to me, "Daddy, smell my fingers." So I do. Big mistake. I say, "Char, eww, what was that?" She giggles, and says, "I put my fingers in my butt!" What three year old girl does that? The next morning, as we are driving to school, Charlotte says, "Daddy, remember when you said I could poop on Drea." Seriously, I never said that.
Another thing she does is she asks, "Do you want to fight?" Then she hits me, and sometimes she gets me when I am not prepared. She also makes this mean face when she does it, too. I wish I could get a picture of it, because it is pretty funny.
One last thing she has been doing lately is blowing raspberries. In case you don't know what that is, it is when you stick out your tongue and basically spit on someone. The thing about all of these things is she seems to do them at a time when a good laugh is needed. Of course, sometimes you want to be mad at her, but she is just to much. And like every good comedian, if you laugh she just wants to make you laugh more. She is the queen of silliness. I am sure, I will be getting called to the principal's office.
It must have to do with being the second girl. Lydia got mad at Richard teasing her one night. He was laying down on the couch. She ran at him from the kitchen at full speed and punched him in the nose. It brought tears to his eyes. We thought she broke his nose. At the race track on Sunday a little boy touched her hand because he liked her and Lydia let him have it. Needless to say he kept giving her dirty looks the rest of the day. And she kept giving them back to him. At least they can both take care of themselves. Good thing because all the boys think she is cool. Not sure why boys like when some girl beats them up all the time, but they do.
I thought of Lydia immediately also! She is the same way! Once she was on the arm of that little sofa at Karen's and jumped on me on the groin area! It was almost worse that giving birth! I let out a yell & scared her but I was doubled over for a good 45 minutes! She hurt Richard in the same area & he felt the same way! She always has her fingers somewhere disgusting, too! I just don't know...but boys seem to like girls like that...go figure! Love, Noni
Lydia always wants to fight, too. I am getting so that I can't restrain her from killing me anymore! Looking at that pic for Char in the pink tube, you just know that she isn't someone you should mess with! LOL! Love, Noni again!
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