Friday, July 12, 2013

Visiting Friends

I decided this year to split up our vacation week and spend time at my Mom's house in NJ and also to visit our friends the Hoffmasters in Elkridge, MD.  I know I have said this before, but I love how the kids pick up right where they left off and it is as if they never left.  It is always good to see them and it is great to see how well they are doing in their new apartment and new city.  We did lots of fun things together; swimming, playing at the park, the National Zoo, the Science Center in Baltimore, visiting their new church, and lots and lots of playing.  And that was just me and Jordan.

First things, first...playing at the park

Isak and Charlotte

Isak pushes Elijah on the swing

The girls swinging

Going for a walk on the trail at the park

Um, we are not going down there

Throwing rocks

Charlotte wading in the water

Everyone wading

We found a turtle

Charlotte would have liked to bring him home

Elijah's turn to hold him


Anonymous said...

Nothing like a trip to the park! Water play is always fun for kids and grown-ups alike! Cool that you found a turtle! I found many over the years from the time I was a little kid. I still find them along the roads here in Tabernacle. Once I was mowing the lawn & wondered where the big rock came from. Lucky, I double checked as it was a box turtle! Love, Mom

Unknown said...

I wish we had a picture of Isak whacking Elijah in the eye with a boulder. No. Probably don't want to see it. :)