Sunday, March 30, 2014

Charlotte turns 5!

That's it.  I have no pictures.  I left my camera at home.  I dropped the ball.  I blew it.  But you know what, she doesn't know.  Frankly, if it wasn't for this post she wouldn't even remember that Daddy forgot his camera on her fifth birthday.

What she will remember is she went roller skating.  It was hard and eventually she took off the skates because it is much easier to walk around then to skate around.  She will remember that we listened to music as she was skating.  More specifically, she listened to the Frozen soundtrack.  After all, that was the theme.  You can't have a party without a theme.  She will remember that she danced around the rink like she was Anna and Elsa.  She will remember she had cake and ice cream with all the fixings she could ever dream of.  She will remember the piñata with all the treats inside.  She will remember the presents.  The clothes and toys with all the things that she enjoys.  She will remember that her friends from school were there and how excited she was to see them outside of school, at a party just for her.  She will remember that her family was there.  And she will remember that she is loved.

I know others took pictures, so they can be seen.  And even if they can't, it doesn't matter because those memories are there for her and for me.  What I will remember is my baby is getting bigger.  I will remember that the days, are becoming weeks, and the weeks are becoming months, and the months are becoming years, but I won't forget her party or the fact that she is growing up.  So Happy Birthday, Charlotte, Daddy loves you...even though I forgot the camera. 


Anonymous said...

She will remember and that is the important part. It was a special day. Laura and I were talking about it the other day. They are all growing up so fast. Lydia turned 9 last week. Brynn will soon be 11. Your girls are 8 and 5. Luke will be 4 in May. The time is just flying by. And even though they will always be our babies they are not babies any more. Wow, it has gone fast, but what an amazing time it has been. Full of love and memories whether the camera is there or not. I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Her Noni loves her very much too, even though I wasn't able to be there for her big 5 birthday, which in our house was always special because we always had a big deal party for the 5th birthday. School friends came, not just the family and usually each one of you had a party at McD's, which back then was huge! I love her for just who she is...which in my opinion means she has a very fun personality among other things and we like some of the same things, like the log flume in Ocean City! Lots of love for our birthday #5 girl and soon you will be in N.J. for Easter! Yeah! Love, Noni