Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Girls

Here are some recent cute stories and videos about the girls.


Drea making a silly face

Here are some random Drea stories:

1. I would say about once a month, maybe a little longer, while putting Drea to bed and after praying, we discuss a few things. Sometimes I remind Drea that she can come to Mommy & Daddy about anything. I may tell her things like she is my favorite 4 and a half year old. Other times I will tell her she can be anything she wants when she grows up. Usually when I do this it sparks a conversation. The other night was no different. She went on with the usual things that she wants to be, Mountaineer, cheerleader, doctor, etc.... Finally, she stopped and said, "Daddy, Do you know what I really want to be?" "What", I asked. Her response, "A Dolphin!"

2. The other morning I was getting dressed and I was wearing boxer briefs (hope that wasn't TMI). Drea says, "Daddy, what are you wearing?" and then laughed. I guess it wasn't a good look for me.

3. Drea gets a lot of joy in changing our answering machine message. She also thinks she is funny. The other night she is messing around with the answering machine and she changed the message to say, "This is the Niessners we can't get to the phone right now, we are on the potty, bye." I made her change it.


Charlotte has been talking so much more lately. It seems like she says something new every day. She is really into saying one word phrases. One of her favorites is, "Mine!" She is also a fan of "Hey!" So we were very excited when she learned another one word phrase. Watch and listen to this video:

Here are two more videos of Charlotte talking and having a good time at the dinner table.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Annual Niessner Labor Day Zoo Trip

Momma and her girls looking at....I don't remember. Maybe the lions.

My brother, Chad, my sister-in-law, Jody, and my nephew, Barrett met up with us at the zoo. The kids had lots of fun...playing on the rocks. Next year, we are going to make it an annual trip to a rock because they have just as much fun playing on the rocks. Except I believe this was right before Barrett fell off of the rock onto his face. He couldn't seem to stay on his feet that day. 

Looking at the monkeys. Pretty sure Barrett and Charlotte are coming up with a plan to help the monkeys break out of this joint.

Awww, sisterly love.


Again, found a cool tunnel to play in. I think it's really a bear trap or something.

They do have cool little playgrounds at the Pittsburgh zoo. The kids always really enjoy them.

It's a face-off between Barrett and Charlotte. My money's on Charlotte...what do you think Jody?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Andy and the Mountaineers

Andy is always graced with a birthday close to the beginning of Mountaineer football season. And he loves it. What better way to kick-off your next year than with the excitement and hubbub centered around our university's cherished tradition of football. I believe it helps him not focus on the number he just added to his age.

So I'm focusing this post on Andy's presents and dinner on his birthday with his cute little family (yeah, that's us.) Concluding the post with pictures from the best part of his birthday week...having his cute family with him at the first WVU football game of the season.

Showing off Daddy's birthday presents - new tennis gear. Yes, Drea's holding up my new racket...I know, it was Andy's birthday but I got a new racket too but how else can I ever come close to beating him. We decide last time we played that we have had the same rackets for at least 9 years.

Out to Red Lobster for Daddy's birthday dinner. Thank goodness for gift cards that place is way too expensive anymore. Drea loved the biscuits just like her Daddy and Charlotte went bonkers for the macaroni and cheese.

Barrett with his pull up on his head and taling on my phone - I think this was his special gift to Andy because it was hilarious.

Charlotte mocking Barrett...go figure.

WVU vs. Coastal Carolina.

This is Drea and her friend, Alyanna. Her family sits right behind us so we get to visit every season.

Drea, cheering her heart out for her Mountaineers.

Charlotte "cheesing" with Daddy.

Nunnie was able to come to the game with us. She loved getting to hold her Drea during her third quarter nap. Drea has probably taken a nap during every home game she has attended since she was born.

Charlotte hearts kettle corn.
Well, Andy, we always enjoy your birthday as much as you do. (Well, I got a tennis racket out of it.) Who doesn't love a night out with the best dad and husband in the world and a great Mountaineer football weekend. We love you Andy!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Family Camping 2010

I'm catching up on some end of the summer picture blogs. Here are some shots from our camping weekend with our friends, Dave, Kevin, Amber and Mackenzie. This was our annual family camping trip and this year we decided to venture to Deep Creek in Marlyand. The area is really beautiful there. We would love to go back even to just take the kids to the beach again there. Drea and Mackenzie loved the beach and Andy enjoyed getting to kayak. I forgot my camera that day so you won't see any of those pictures. It was supposed to be kayaking with the kids but that didn't work out as planned. We also took a hike down to Swallow Falls on Sunday and ended our weekend with great pizza at Brenda's Pizzeria and ice cream at the Lakeside Creamery. Here are some of the pictures from our adventure.

Mackenzie and Drea playing in the tent.

Charlotte wasn't very happy that the big girls were playing without her.

Charlotte enjoying a fire with Amber.

Morning girls. Ready for the day to begin.

Breakfast clean-up time.

This was on our hike to Swallow Falls. Mackenize and Drea wanted to be adventurous and not walk on the path.

I love this picture.

I think they were looking at some waterfall or something.


A good scenery shot.

The falls were beautiful and worth the sweat back up to the top.
Thanks Tennants and Dave Shaver - another successful camping trip. We always enjoy our adventures with you guys and look forward to it every year.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm taking a minute to plug on e of my links on the right hand side of this page because I'm really enjoying it.
iMom is a great parenting site with lots of good articles, information and tips. Their tagline is "Inspiration. Ideas. Information. Insight." I am getting exactly that out of it so far.

I signed up for their daily emails and I enjoy reading the quick little paragraph each morning. At the end of each email there is a section called "Tonight's Pillow Talk." It gives you an idea of something to ask your kids and talk about with them. All too often I think we do a lot of talking AT our kids and not a lot of talking WITH them or listening to them. So I have been trying to use this avenue in bedtime discussions with Drea. The other day the question was, Do you think our home is super clean, kind of clean, just right, kind of messy, or super messy? And what do you think about that? Great question! I loved the thought of gauging what your child really thinks about that which you slave over to "make a good home for them." Anyway, the answer turned out okay for us. : ) I just enjoyed getting to listen to her and I know she enjoyed that I wanted her opinion. Anyway, there have been a lot of other interesting questions (not just about your house.)

Anyway, I know many of us don't need something else to read daily or another website to visit so I just wanted to share something with you from the daily email this morning. It's a quick, little story called "A Man, a Mugger and a Miracle." I think it might be the easiest if I share the link. Feel free to read it if you want.

Have a great day!

Oh, by the way...there is also a site for dads called AllProDad. I was trying to remember how I found these sites and then I remembered my friend Ben Young mentioned them on his blog. Thanks Ben!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I am task-oriented. Sometimes this is my positive character trait. I can get things done. I can usually get things done quickly. I can multi-task (well except when it comes to carrying on a conversation.) I am pretty efficient and can find the best way to get things done (or at least the best way for me.) Like I said, this can be a positive trait and an asset to those around me. My goal usually all day long is to get things done. Accomplish things. Completing a task, any task, is accomplishing things to me.

Last night I was contemplating like many other times before, how this can absolutely, positively be one of my biggest downfalls at the same time. Throughout my whole day, I incur task after task. Whether it's ironing what I will wear for the day, making dinner, or getting the girls ready for the day, everything is about getting something done. I find I have trouble relaxing and just enjoying moments without reminding myself that the current task needs to get done.

Getting the girls ready for bedtime is when I realize this the most. For me, it's all about completing the job. Making it from point A to point B by an appropriate bed time. Making it to lights out before hours have somehow flown by. When I give the girls a bath, I'm not sure if they get to have much fun because I need to get everyone washed and out of the tub to complete that task and move on to the next.

This is such a huge battle for me. I want my girls to enjoy time with me and not think I am constantly moving them along to the next task. Why can't I stop and breathe for a minute and not worry about getting them in bed so the job is complete. I want to stop thinking about the next thing that needs done as soon as I get the current thing done. (Sorry, I'm not using the best and most eloquent language, but I think you get it.)

Tonight I was reading to Charlotte and kept looking up at the clock thinking about how late it was getting. We needed to wrap this up, get to bed and check Charlotte's bedtime off the list for the evening. Then Charlotte pulled a book off the shelf that I had bought for Drea. It's called Dreams for My Daughter. I read the whole thing to her (even though she stopped paying attention to it well into the second page) and it made me think about the dreams I do have for my girls. How I want to take the time to tell them and love on them. It made me contemplate this personality trait I possess and how I can turn it off before my girls only remember me as the mom who rushed them along to the next task. I love them so much! I can't believe every day that God has given me these beautiful little people to care for and help mold. I only hope I can slow down and help point them towards their dreams and not miss the true moments.

Dreams for My Daughter
by Polly Blair

Every day you surprise me, impress and inspire me.
I loved you before I even saw your face.
I dreamed of the fun we'd have together
and of the tea parties we would host.
My daughter, while I can't be with you every step of the way,
my arms and heart are always open for you,
and I wish for you these gifts:
An ocean-wide sense of wonder
and an open heart for love.
I wish for you the joy of catching snowflakes on your tongue,
playing with best friends,
getting lost in a good book,
and time to dream.
I wish you remember to test the water first,
but know sometimes you will just need to jump in!
I wish for you the joy of giving, and forgiving, and of giving thanks.
I wish for you to know that you will find rainbows even on umbrella days.
I wish for you the gift of knowing that mistakes are part of growing
Hurts will heal, because you'll find that laughter is truly the best medicine.
I treasure every time we giggle together, cry together, and smile together.
My daughter, you are my bright star.
You sparkle and glitter and shine.
I wish for every day to be a wonderful adventure.
There is nothing you can't do.
I believe in you.