So I really haven't blogged about anything in quite sometime. It is not because I haven't wanted too. Obviously, this is my busy time of the year with school starting and getting adjusted to a real schedule. Not that we did not have a schedule in the summer, but it was super laid back and we really did not make plans. In the summer, I tried to do one main event a day. That could be a trip to the pool, park, or any other event the girls would enjoy. Some days we did more. Overall, I was pleased with how we spent our time and everything we accomplished.
Fast forward to now and life is busier and more schedule oriented. Very rarely did we have to be somewhere early in the morning in the summer. Now Monday though Friday, 8am at East Park Elementary our day begins. But really, our day begins much earlier. In some ways, it is good. I do like the routine of it all. I guess to the point of my post. I just find myself putting the blog on the back burner. More so recently, as you can tell from some previous post, I am just finding videos that I find interesting or amusing, that I want to share.
The girls are doing well. Drea is enjoying second grade and I am slowly letting out the reins of visiting her in her classroom. I can see her seat from the doorway, so I usually just walk by and wave now. A lot of the time they are up moving and at circle time or groups and she is not even sitting at her desk. I walk out on my lunch, during her recess and say, "Hi", other then that, we pretty much do not see each other during the school day. To be honest, I think it was a bigger adjustment for me, then for her. Either way, it has been good. Next year, we will be on the playground together during recess, imagine that. I am glad she is growing up and does not need me to visit because it won't be long before she will be moving to the middle school and I can't visit then.
Charlotte is getting along pretty good too. She seems to be taking an interest in learning her ABC's now. We have foam letter and numbers for the bathtub and she has asked to play with them and go over them almost every night. She seems to really try and figure them out. I hope this continues because I was really worried for awhile. Charlotte also likes puzzles. It is one of the things she goes for often. Her comedic timing is perfect. For example tonight, during bedtime, I was just getting on the girls about certain things. To be honest, I was probably a little over the top. It was one thing after another. Then Charlotte mocked me. It stopped me mid-sentence and really made me upset. I calmed myself before I was about to punish her, but then she started to giggle. Which did not help the matter. In my head, I was thinking she is in big trouble. Then she started giggling more. And more. And more. As I played it over in my mind, I realized, I was being way to over the top. I couldn't help but laughing. I know it wasn't the right response, and I later talked to her about it, but at that moment, it was perfect and what was needed.
I thought I would close out my post with a picture of the girls and me at Swallow Falls State Park from our end of the summer camping trip.